Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Story.....Specially For Today

The story starts with......

Everytime you cross my mind,
I break out in exclamations of thanks to God.
Philippians 1:3

But, they tell me......

If you really love something set it free,
If it comes back it is yours, if not it wasn't meant to be.

Maybe I will tell the girl......

Someday you will cry for me like I cried for you,
Someday you will miss me like I missed you,
Someday you will need me like I needed you,
Someday you will love me but maybe I won't love you.

But my feeling now is......

Time goes by a lot slower,
when you miss
the one you love.

Sometimes, no matter
how much faith we have,
we lose people.
But you never forget them.
And sometimes,
it's those memories
that give us the strenght to go on.
The best remedy for
those who are afraid,
lonely or unhappy
is to go outside,
somewhere where
they can be quiet,
alone with the heavens,
nature and God.
Because only then does one feel
that all is as it should be.

And it ends up......

My biggest fear is that one day
we will pass each other on the streets
and have an artificial conversation.

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